Friday, November 14, 2008



Gimme back my teddy bear, you sneak


Shit man, when can I go to Papa John's again?

"It's symbolic, of course" - Ozzy Osbourne in 'Mr. Crowley'. This is symbolic of the theme, the poster... Really!

Oh look, Natarani 2 is on Google Earth now!

And a black-and-white view, too!

Look boys, you mustn't go around breaking things with those sticks of yours...

In the shadows

Light cue ;-)


Just stick to it (I swear, the number of stick jokes in the last few days...)

All hail team sets!

Oh, no! My two fellow directors are vanishing into thin air!

Burnt my middle finger because of a pencil cigarette.

Fighting over who gets the pot?

Look at who's decided to pop in!

Dude, I came to SH1 so I could get some sleep, since that's the most un-used part of MICA... Now you buggers come here and start !@#$%^&*ing practicing as well...! BAH!

Front foot defence with a danda: The most Indian of things to do when presented with a stick.


You're the bugger in charge of sex design here! I don't care if you misheard it! We demand our action!

GB shows everyone why he's a state-level hockey player

Venu the monk at the tape-stry ;)

Let's hope the rest of the audience doesn't react this way...

Here's a nice safe spot, noone will notice me here ;)

Since I ain't getting any action onstage, I might as well hump this 'ere whiteboard...

Happy Birthday, Golee :D

He took my lollipop, Daddy... Sniff...

With everyone defecting from the MCL, we might as well create a new sport...

There there, m'boy, you weren't all that bad...

Nov 16 - The first production meet

All present and accounted for. Almost.

Sounds head - present, sir.


Here now, boys and girls...

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